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What is the beauty cream and how to use it?


A cut, graze, burn, acne or surgery are all factors that can cause scars to appear on the skin. They cause skin lesions which, if they are not repaired under the right conditions, can leave more or less visible and unsightly marks that can be a source of complexes. Scarring is a natural biological phenomenon that arises from the reaction of the skin to a wound, whether superficial or more extensive. The weakened epidermis thus has the ability to repair and regenerate itself. However, the healingdoes not happen in the same way and at the same speed for all individuals and also depends on variable factors. To ensure that a wound heals well , it is necessary to fully understand this mechanism and to follow certain basic principles. Several methods also make it possible to accelerate healing . Pharma GDD explains the different stages of the healing process , reminds you of the rules to follow and the products to favor for healing in the best conditions.

The different types of lesions

All wounds are not alike and therefore do not heal in the same way. For example, a distinction is made between acute wounds on the one hand and chronic wounds on the other. Acute wounds are caused by a traumatic agent and occur on healthy skin. Healing normally takes place when the tissue is well vascularized but can be slowed by infection. Conversely, chronic wounds appear on skin that has already healed. They can be linked to a poor connection between the epidermis and the dermis or to abnormalities in the blood vessels.

It is then necessary to distinguish between weeping lesions and non-weeping lesions. THEWeeping lesions such as blisters, for example, present a risk of maceration and infection and must therefore be well cared for so that healing is satisfactory. Non-weeping lesions can range from superficial to major in extent and require additional hydration and nutrition to heal well . This is the case, for example, of stitches, cuts, tattoos, burns or aesthetic procedures such as laser, permanent hair removal or peeling.

The three phases of healing

The healing process takes place in three successive phases, the duration of which depends on several factors: quality of the skin before the lesion, condition and location of the wound , presence or absence of an infection. Each phase of healing corresponds to a specific cell activity and can be influenced by many external factors.

For each type of wound, healing begins with the cleansing phase . Immediately after the trauma, the blood and lymphatic vessels release secretions on the surface of the wound. The exudation occurs about ten minutes later to ensure the cleansing of the wound, that is to say the evacuation of contaminating elements, necrotic tissues and foreign bodies. During this first phase, macrophages (cells from white blood cells) stimulate the production of fibroblasts which will then play an important role in the rest of the healing process .

The budding phase begins about four days after the appearance of the lesion. This second phase will make it possible to fill the woundand to create a new tissue: the granulation tissue. It is the fibroblasts that are involved in producing the material that will serve as a matrix for future collagen fibers. Gradually, the fibers gather and unite to form the definitive tissue intended to fill the wound .

The final phase is epithelialization . It generally takes place between the 6th and 10th day after the injury and is manifested by the maturation of the collagen fibers and the retraction of the wound . The granulation tissue becomes firmer and turns into scar tissue, which marks the end of the healing process

wound healing problems

The process can be slowed down by harmful elements that ultimately prevent proper healing . Deficiencies in albumin, iron, vitamin C or zinc are, for example, problematic because they limit the supply of elements essential to healing . Certain vascularization and circulation disorders induced by obesity, diabetes or smoking make it more difficult for proper healing to take place . Taking immunosuppressive drugs or corticosteroids also hinders the process, as does advanced age or significant stress.

The healing process can also see complications appear, such as an abscess: the scarbecomes red and painful and may be accompanied by fever, a sign of secondary bacterial infection, and pus. When healing goes poorly, it can lead to a keloid scar . This type of scar is due to excess collagen in the dermis. They are recognized by their puffy appearance, thick and hard to the touch. Keloid scars can be itchy and irritating and become bothersome when located near the joints. Hypertrophic scars

are distinguished by parallel edges and are due to the activity of foreign bodies during healing . This type of scar is red, blistered and can sometimes itch.

The right gestures to promote healing

To heal well , certain actions are essential and must be carried out throughout the healing process to be effective and lead to a satisfactory scar .

Cleaning, disinfection and protection

These three elements are essential to eliminate foreign bodies and bacteria that may have entered the wound . They thus limit the risk of infection and promote healing . At first, you must start by stopping any bleeding before cleaning the wound with warm water and soap without forgetting to dry it well then by tapping gently. This first step gently removes the blood and lymph that appear on the surface of the wound and prepares for disinfection.

To disinfect a wound , you must use an antiseptic. This eliminates bacteria and prevents their development in the wound, thus limiting the risk of infection which could slow healing . Care must be taken to choose an antiseptic adapted to the type of wound because not all of them act in the same way.

process. The appearance of a scab is not synonymous with skin repair because it prevents the formation of new tissue

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