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What is the ideal frequency of visits to the dentist?


Visiting your dentist on a regular basis is essential to maintaining good oral health. The examination and cleaning carried out make it possible to limit the appearance of problems and can prevent possible oral diseases.

But do you know how often to visit your dentist? Depending on the person, age or pathologies, the frequency of visits may differ. Your dentist is undoubtedly in the best position to answer this question. See why!

What is the best frequency to visit your dentist?

On average and regardless of your age, it is recommended to go to the dentist every 6 months for an oral examination and cleaning . Nevertheless, this frequency can vary according to many criteria, such as age, genetics, already known oral problems and lifestyle.

How often for a child?

In young children, the bone structure of the jaw and teeth are changing every day. To ensure proper dental development, dentists agree that the ideal frequency of visits for a child should be every six months on average, regardless of the condition of their teeth.

At each visit, your dentist can check the proper development of the teeth to avoid dental problems, such as teeth grinding in children , malocclusion, orthodontic problems or the presence of dental caries.

How often for adults?

Regarding the frequency of visits to the dentist for adults, specialists recommend at least one visit every year, in order to check the general state of health of your mouth.

As each person is unique, your dentist will be best able to give you the ideal frequency according to your teeth, your genetics or the oral problems you have already encountered. Depending on the person, this frequency could vary between 12 months, 6 months, or even 3 months.

How often for seniors?

Your oral health changes over the course of your life, so there may come a time when courtesy visits to your dentist can and should become more regular.

For seniors, it is recommended to consult their dentist at least every 3 to 6 months. The latter can check your entire mouth and ensure that your teeth are in good condition, that your crowns or dental implants are still suitable, that your gums are in good health, etc.

Once again, your dentist in Montreal will be the only person who can give you a frequency of visits adapted to your needs.

Why should we go to the dentist regularly?

Visiting your dentist on a regular basis has many advantages. Cleaning, dental whitening, detection of oral problems or gum disease, your specialist offers you all his services to take care of your mouth and your teeth.

Eliminate dental plaque and tartar

During his dental examination, your dental health professional will take the opportunity to eliminate dental plaque and tartar that has deposited on your teeth.

The goal is to remove any food particles that have not gone away during your daily teeth cleanings. Indeed, if the plaque accumulated on your teeth hardens, tartar will appear, which can cause oral diseases.

It is therefore recommended to perform at least this intervention as often as possible, and this requires making an appointment with your dentist in Montreal .

Prevent the appearance of cavities or oral problems

At each visit, your dentist checks for dental caries on one or more of your teeth.

Even if you don’t feel any pain or none of your teeth have visible black holes, that doesn’t mean you’re fine. Indeed, it is possible that the cavity has developed inside your tooth, and it will therefore be necessary to use appropriate dental caries treatments in order to treat it.

Detect possible oral diseases

During each of your check-ups, your dentist will check that nothing is causing you potential oral diseases. A fairly common element is the presence of an impacted or semi-impacted wisdom tooth in your mouth.

If this wisdom tooth is not treated, it can be the source of inflammation of the adjacent tissues, the development of an abscess or a cyst, and can displace and infect neighboring teeth.

The more regularly your dentist can inspect your mouth, the more he can give you the frequency of visits to prevent the development of oral diseases.

Ask your dentist at Clinique Dentaire 1935 for advice on the frequency of your visits.

As you have read, it is very important to consult your dentist on a regular basis in order to carry out complete check-ups allowing you to have a healthy mouth. If your frequency of visits is not adapted, oral diseases could occur and will cause a dental emergency.

In order to know the frequency of visits made for you, schedule your appointment with your dentist . He will be happy to take care of you and give you the best possible advice.

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