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Everything you need to know about managing malaria in pregnancy


Malaria is a life-threatening disease that can be caused by parasites that have been transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected female mosquito. Malaria during pregnancy is a very significant public health problem, particularly in the areas where high transmission rates are prevalent. Having a clear idea about the risk associated with malaria for pregnant ladies and the upcoming children is important for the people for this discuss discussing the concern concerns openly with the best gynaecologist in lb Nagar is important for you to ensure good health at all times.

Malaria during pregnancy poses a significant number of risks to the mother as well as the upcoming baby because pregnant ladies are very much susceptible to malaria due to changes in the immune system which makes them much more vulnerable to the infection.

Some of the common risks associated with malaria during pregnancy have been explained as follows:

  1. Maternal anemia: Malaria can easily create maternal anemia which is the situation in which the law red blood cell counts in the mother’s bloodstream will be there eventually leading to shortness of breath as well as weakness. Severe cases of anemia will increase the risk of hemorrhage during childbirth.
  2. Very low birth weight: Malaria during pregnancy will also lead to very low birth weight which is a major risk factor to be taken into account from the perspective of infant mortality. Low birth weight infants will be more likely to experience respiratory distress syndrome, infection, or any other kind of related problem which you need to take very seriously.
  3. Pre-term delivery: Malaria during the pregnancy will increase the risk of pre-term delivery which is done before 37 weeks of gestation and the pre-term babies are consistently at a very high risk of developing respiratory disease, feeding difficulties, and infections.
  4. Stillbirth: Malaria during the pregnancy will also lead to the birth which is the delivery of a baby without any sign of life after the 28 weeks of gestation. This will also increase the risk of neonatal death which is the death of the baby within the first 28 days of life.

Some of the important tips that you need to focus on for preventing malaria during pregnancy as recommended by the best gynaecologist in lb Nagar have been justified as follows:

  1. Using the insecticide-treated bed nets: Pregnant ladies must always sleep under the insecticide-treated bed net every night to make sure that there is no risk of being bitten by mosquitoes that will transmit malaria. Beds and their usage can be very well successful in providing the ladies with the best element of support and the best part is that they are very easily available through the local clinics and can be easily purchased at the local stores.
  2. It is important to focus on wearing the long sleeve clothing: Pregnant ladies must always focus on wearing the long sleeve clothing as well as pants to reduce the amount of exposed skin which the mosquito can bite.
  3. Using the insect repellent: The pregnant ladies must always focus on using the insect repellent on their skin as well as clothing so that everyone will be able to reduce the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. Insect repellent should always be based upon the appropriate ingredients so that it can be applied according to the manufacturer instructions and should be very much safe for the pregnant ladies.
  4. It is important to avoid the outdoor activities during the peak hours: As a general piece of advice the pregnant ladies must focus on avoiding the outdoor activities during the peak mosquito which are typically from dusk-dawn and further will be providing the ladies with best element of support.
  5. Keeping the surroundings very neat and clean: The pregnant ladies must always focus on making sure that their environment is very clean and neat by removing the trending water around their home which could be a clear-cut symptom of breeding ground for the mosquitoes.

By focusing on the above-mentioned preventive measures everyone will be able to reduce the risk of contracting malaria and further will be able to protect the health of the upcoming children very easily. However prompt and effective treatment of malaria will be very important to prevent any kind of complications and some of the common options of treatment that you need to know with the help of doctors at pregnancy Hospital in Tirupati have been justified as follows:

  1. Seeking the medical attention immediately: Any lady who has been experiencing the symptoms of malaria like chills, body, fever or any other kind of related problem must focus on getting in touch with the doctors as soon as possible.
  2. The best course of medication: The choice of anti-malaria medication and the duration of the treatment will always depend on the stage of pregnancy, intensity of the infection, and type of malaria parasite that is present. Some of the antimalarial medications are not at all allowed during pregnancy which is the main reason that consulting the doctors before proceeding with any such choices is important for ladies to make sure that there is no chance of any kind of problem.

So, if you are pregnant or you have been facing the problem of symptoms of malaria or you are living in an area where the risk of malaria transmission is very high then you should focus on getting in touch with the doctors as soon as possible so that you can develop the best possible course of plan for dealing with the situation and further you will be able to make sure that things will be very well sorted out. In such cases remaining consistently in touch with the doctors is important so that you will have a clear idea about the points to be taken into account and prevention will be taken care of very easily. In this way, you will be perfectly able to contribute towards your good health as well as the good health of the upcoming child with the plan that will be tailored as per your needs.

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